Monday, September 4, 2017

Dunces Are Always Free Of Cost !

Today I came across one of the most contradicting evaluation! Qualities like hard work, patience, decision making, etc. are valuable when they are applied on right place at right time. Bearing patience all the time even under the scenarios that demand emergencies, could be treacherous! I mean you cannot ask a patient suffering from cardiac attack or a lady with labor pain to bear "patience", it requires immediate medical aid. The right quality you can offer to them is "be strong and keep calm or don't panic". 

I happened to get acquainted with some person who tests patience at every step! You cannot keep expecting the other person to pass the indefinite levels of your patience tests! There has to be a situation when you require to act a bit faster. And I wonder, on the basis of this ridiculous logic, he filters people in his life! I mean are you seriously crazy or what ! You are a doctorate candidate and merging your lab results acquired by a certain amount of "patience" everywhere in your life! That is bizarre. And on this, you judge people based on the single statement they say! Wouldn't you like to know more before giving your valuable jurisdiction? Initially, I felt a bit offensive but then I laughed on his stupidity and inability to understand the virtues of life, the right time to apply these virtues. 

It indeed is true for that acquaintance !

By now, I was quite convinced that it might take a while to meet someone intelligent, but dunces are always free of cost! (Grin) 
Certainly, degree is not everything to measure your sanity and intelligence in tackling people and your own life. Nor the age can have any good proportion with rationality and wits.